WESCOR treatment programs are designed to meet our customers’ needs with a focus on exceptional effluent quality, minimal chemistry usage, sludge reduction and ease of use. Our water treatment chemistries include:
Clay-Based Flocculants
Clay-based flocculant is supplied in granular form and comprised of a mixture of bentonite clay, ph adjusting compounds, coagulants, and flocculants. Each of the additives are carefully selected to create a customized treatment formulation specific to the wastestream being treated. The clay flocculant treatment process conducts each of the steps that a traditional system would use, however the process occurs quickly and sequentially. The treatment can be conducted in a single tank with minimal supervision.
After being introduced to the wastewater the clay flocculant is agitated for a few minutes. Following agitation a large, robust floc is formed which has captured the contaminant and removed it from the wastewater. The large floc quickly separates from the water permitting efficient filtration by means of a simple filter such as a gravity filter bed.
The bentonite clay component of the material has a high ion exchange capacity which is capable of capturing contaminants within the matrix of the clay structure. Due to this attribute, the filter cake produced encapsulates all contaminants which were removed from the wastewater; resulting in a non-hazardous solid waste which is suitable for disposal to a non-regulated landfill facility.
As no two wastewaters are equal, WESCOR supplies custom formulated clay based flocculants which are developed based on the characteristics of the wastewater sample. A treatabillity study is conducted on each wastewater sample, and a clay based flocculant is formulated to produce the most effective treatment.
WESCOR supplies polymers in both liquid and powdered format. We offer an extensive range of cationic, and anionic charged polymers with various molecular weights. WESCOR will help determine the proper polymer for your system ensuring your equipment operates with peak efficiency.
Solidification agents are available in powdered, semi-granular and granular form. Our specialized formulas have the ability to absorb liquid up to 300 times their weight in water, providing exceptional results with minimal chemical additions. Conventional solidification material such as fly ash, cement, kiln dust and saw dust require large quantities of material to adequately absorb free liquid which significantly increases off-site transport costs of shipping the material to landfill.