Batch Treatment System

Batch processing generally consists of a treatment tank, agitators, chemical feed, pumping system, solids separation & filtration. This system may be configured to use dry or liquid chemistry. We have several turn-key configurations. A variety of equipment models are available which provides attractive economics for both the small and midsized users. Dependant of plant preferences; filtration type, chemical feed and manual or automation control packages are offered.
Oily Wastewater
Spent coolants & lubricants, parts washing water, vibratory finishing effluent, floor scrubber/mop buckets, emulsion splitting, pit/trench water, storm water/runoff
Food Production
CIP / Sanitization wastewater, food washing & preparation wastewater
Metal Finishing
Wash booth effluent, vibratory waste, phosphate treatment
General Industry
Paint water waste, equipment wash water, production tank clean-out
Printing & Corrugated Industry
Starch, metals, inks and adhesives
Heavy equipment wash water, tanker truck wash-out, turf care equipment